Monday, November 1, 2010


After much encouragement from my wife and my critique partner, I have decided to engage in NaNoWriMo this year.

I have spent the morning signing up on the NaNoWriMo site, and I have decided to work exclusively on the YA Fantasy series that I have planned. This means that everyday I will have to crank out 1667 words, which is going to be extremely difficult due to my long writing process.

I will complete 50000 words this month, so please leave any encouragement that you possess because I will need it.


  1. Woot! Yay, Andy! I know you can do it- now lets see if I can finish mine this month!

  2. Because you felt so encouraged to sign up I feel that you will be able to complete the task at hand without difficulty. If you find yourself struggling I will be there to cheer you on.

    I am not participating but cheering on all of my other fellow writers while I am working on my other projects. Best wishes and good luck!

  3. I'm so happy you're actually going to write! Now, get writing!!

  4. Thanks everyone for your support! I need it!

  5. Here's some more support: Go Andy!

    I know I cannot write 1667 words every day for a month, so it's impressive that you're even trying!
